Your lawyers for real estate law in Hannover

We provide legal advice for investors, builders, developers, owners and real estate managers in all aspects of real estate law.

This includes the drafting of contracts between builders, planners and contractors, consulting and drafting of agreements by our lawyers or notaries public for purchase or sale of real estate as well as all issues concerning the lease of commercial objects.

Focus of our activities:

We draft, review, negotiate, record and execute real estate related agreements. In doing so, we handle all contractual content relevant to the real estate industry, in particular:

  • Purchase, sale and transfer agreements
  • Establishment, purchase and sale of commonhold property
  • Creation and transfer of hereditary building rights
  • Creation of land charges, mortgages and easements
  • Foundation of real estate companies and transfer of shares
  • General powers of attorney and durable power of attorney for healthcare
  • Notarized signature certifications
  • Restructuring of real estate enterprises
  • Real estate transfers in regard to succession (e.g. last will and deeds of inheritance)
  • Development contracts

We also advise and represent our legal clients in mediation, arbitration and litigation proceedings.

Your contact persons

N. Fontaine

Matthias Fontaine
Certified Tax Law Specialist
Mediator for business law


Dr. Nicolas W. Fontaine
Attorney-at-law and Notary
Certified Inheritance Law Specialist

Torsten Becker

Dr. Torsten Becker
Attorney-at-law, Notary
Certified Banking and Capital Markets Specialist

Dr. Sebastian-Alexander Kampe

Dr. Sebastian-Alexander Kampe
Attorney-at-law, Notary